It's not the letters worn on our chest that have brought us together but the words that have been spoken from our hearts.
The pure vulnerability of our scars worn from the inside-out and spoken to a community of women created by the same cloth.
Healing waters moved down our faces as the words of our past, present and future left our lips and the burdens of our pains were lifted to God.
The scares are still present but they brought us something we hadn't had before. They brought together a group of women that knew their own hurt and knew that others were hurting and now deal with that hurt together.
RISE was created for this very reason and what a God send it has been. A dream planted in the size of a seed and rooted so deep that it must have felt like it was impossible to dig up.
Three days of none stop truth, honesty and love. Three days of seeing inside the heart of other women, three days of realizing we are not alone and that this isn't the end of a beautiful story, it's the beginning.
There will be so many other women holding pens to paper, there will be new stories and new friendships and how good is our God that we were given the chance to create the foundation.
Max I will forever water your planted dream because I know it'll RISE into something beautiful.
~Crystal Santana RISE Participant